Our Beliefs

What is the “Gospel”?

Check out this simple explanation of what the Christian message actually is…

What we believe

The video above explains simply what the Gospel actually says. Beyond this, as a local church in Manchester, we agree with our brothers and sisters from the world’s major Christian groups – Protestant, Eastern Orthodox and Romans Catholic churches – in the major creeds, and you can read more on this by clicking here.

More specifically, we stand by the Evangelical Alliance’s Statement of faith, which you can find by clicking on this link:

Belief in – and experience of – Jesus

The 1st Century Christian church agreed on this simple claim: Jesus is Lord. And whilst many in our city and nation disagree with this, we have come to believe that it is true, that He is not just our Saviour, but also our Lord or Boss.

So, because we believe that Jesus has made a way for us to become friends with God again, we want that relationship to affect every part of our lives. We want God to be centre-stage, and for His Spirit and His word to shape us so that day-by-day, we become that little bit more like Jesus.

This is not blind faith, however. Because we have seen miraculous things happen to us and our friends which line up with the teachings of Jesus and His apostles. This includes an atheist becoming a Christian on her death bed, a friend of our church being healed of cancer, a relative of one of our church recovering from kidney failure when doctors had lost all hope, and many other stories too detailed to list here.

We have no confidence whatsoever in our own goodness, but every confidence in the work of Jesus to bring forgiveness, a second chance and a new life to us. His Spirit is at work in us, though we are very ordinary people. Like we often say, Jesus has brought us freedom from our past, strength in the present and hope for the future. For this reason, we don’t want to keep this good news to ourselves.

Got prayer requests or want a call-back?

If you have any questions about our activities or the Gospel, want to send us a prayer request, or would like to find out how you can get involved in Hope Community Church Manchester, then please click below to leave a contact and request a call-back…